I'm told -
"the girl that named Sham was Miss Mai. She was very popular at the club and said she was Hawaian."
- Wednesday 7 January 2009 07:33
From front to back:
Smitty (good way to get your head blown off!), Lee Mills sighting, Roy St.Onge, Bob Heine, Ross Harris, and James McLendon in back. This one really baffles me. I don't remember us ever having any artillery on our site.
- Tuesday 6 January 2009 20:16
Left to right;
Ross Harris, Bob Heine, John Butina, Paul Veteto with broom, James McLendon in back ground, and Doug Goforth on far right.
- Tuesday 6 January 2009 18:56
Memories - Hey Jerry, don't know what we were discussing but we look serious.
Let me test my memory here. Did you get some kind of leg or knee injury that put you in the hospital and then got shipped back to the States. If so let us know. If not let us know anyway.
- Tuesday 6 January 2009 18:26
Here's a picture with a story. Don't remember her name but she was a waitress at the NCO club. When Severin got to Phu Bai (probably his first night) we took him to the club. We introduced him as Sev. Somehow with her accent she could'nt pronounce that. When she tried to say Sev, you guessed it, She said "Sham". That's how it started."
Jerry Miller
- Tuesday 6 January 2009 07:01
I am sitting with Mac on my bunk in the hooch. I still have the flag
Jerry Miller
- Tuesday 6 January 2009 06:58
I think this is Sgt Day, He always was the tool man
Jerry Miller
- Tuesday 6 January 2009 06:54
This is Ross and MAc
- Monday 5 January 2009 19:05
Picture complements of Jim McLendon.
- Sunday 4 January 2009 14:27
Another comrade wrote ...."I believe he cleaned me out more than once"