One of those Air conditioned trucks ( the 5 ton expandable van) was "Borrowed " form the.
Port of Hue holding area. all you need was a log book with the correct numbers and the truck was yours :-). the old 3/4 ton also
was from that was mine :-).. so many good stories. so many
Great guys..
Richard Walton
- Monday 17 February 2020 10:52
I would like to thank the person who updated the photos. They look GreatT...WELL DONE
Rich Walton
- Tuesday 25 September 2012 05:32
Sorry guys this picture is not a picture of Walton it's a picture of CW2 Davis (on the sand bags) and SSG Gross & Gosney..
Rich walton
Tom Charboneau
- Wednesday 29 July 2009 21:55
I'm showing Paul & Rags a picture we took on a scrounging mission. It was during the monsoons and it was taken in the E-M club that we built around the Fireplace. It didn't have lights yet.
James McLendon
- Monday 11 May 2009 19:18
someone I think that's Sgt. Walton behind Veteto.
- Saturday 28 March 2009 00:02
Who's who Yea I think that is me
Marv Weigelt
- Monday 16 March 2009 11:50
? person could be me All of these guys were there the same time as I was....Still looking for photo's
- Tuesday 3 March 2009 10:24
Do you still have the flag?? If so someday I guess I will have to come and claim it
Jerry Miller
- Thursday 29 January 2009 09:23
BIG Ditch: This would have been the ditch for the waste waterline from the septic tank to the rail road cut. The rail road was a lot lower ths the compound so was a good place to dump our non-authorized unlicensed sanitary (foxtrot sierra)materials. Sure made the foxtails and reeds grow along the tracks. Did anyone with any authority ever find out what we had done with that latrine and shower. Like tapped the stores water line; stole most of the materials and then dumped the outfall like that?